Research Software Engineering at Sheffield

Mike Croucher

EPSRC Research Software Engineering Fellow
Sheffield Open Data Science Initiative
Research Software Engineering at Sheffield


Your results are amazing!

but wrong

We have a problem!

Croucher's law

I can be an idiot and WILL make mistakes.

You are no different!

Your Analysis?

What you did

Open package foo. Click, Click, drag, Click, Click, Click, Right-Click, Save, 'results.csv'.

Load into Excel. Click, drag, generate graph, right click, save, 'pretty-graph.png'

Your Analysis?

What you said

I analysed my data in foo using the bar analysis. Here's a graph of the results.

How reproducible is a mouse click?

Steps to reproducibility

  • Automation (learn to program)
  • Write code in a (very) high-level language
  • Get some training
  • Use version control
  • Get a code buddy (Maybe an RSE!)
  • Share your code and data openly
  • Write tests

Want help?

2 Research Software Engineering Fellows in Sheffield

First Fellowship of its kind

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