Your results are amazing!
but wrong
Mike Konczal
“all I can hope is that future historians note that one of the core empirical points providing the intellectual foundation for the global move to austerity in the early 2010s was based on someone accidentally not updating a row formula in Excel”
What were the real errors?
- They used Excel (subject to debate)
- They didn't share their code and data (Vital!)
This 2003 trial, done in Kenya, found that deworming whole schools improved children’s health, school performance, and school attendance.
In 2013, the data was reanalysed independently using new computer programs
Many mistakes found.
Software is critical to our research but is treated as a third class citizen
We have a problem!
Croucher's law
I can be an idiot and WILL make mistakes.
You are no different!2>
Assume Croucher's law is true
Adapt our working practices
Your Analysis?
What you did
Open package foo. Click, Click, drag, Click, Click, Click, Right-Click, Save, 'results.csv'.
Load into Excel. Click, drag, generate graph, right click, save, 'pretty-graph.png'
Your Analysis?
What you said
I analysed my data in foo using the bar analysis. Here's a graph of the results.
How reproducible is a mouse click?
aka 'learn to program'
The Ideal
Results = TheAnalysis(MyData)
Automation is not about time saving
It is knowledge transfer
It is the foundation of reproducible computational research
I am an idiot and will make mistakes
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
Write code in a (very) high-level language
Why high level languages?
"Programmers write roughly the same number of lines of code per unit time regardless of the language they use"
(Best Practices for Scientific Computing, PLOS Biology, Wilson Et Al)
What about speed?
- Computer time is cheap. Programmer time is expensive.
- We all have supercomputers now!
- Ensure it's correct, then worry about speed.
- Call MathWorks / your RSE team to help with the slow bits
I am an idiot and will make mistakes
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
- Write code in a (very) high-level language
Share your code and data openly
(As possible)

Openly as possible?
If can't be fully open, be as open as possible within your organisation
Why share the code and data?
Nothing else contains the information required to fully reproduce your work.
You say
We use K-means in Python with 50 clusters and K-means++ initialisation
You say
No need to share code. It's 2 lines. Trivial!
My results
Also took me 2 lines of Python
My results
Several differences
My results
We used different libraries
Code comparison
Production workflow
Imagine how many gotchas there might be here
I am an idiot and will make mistakes
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
- Write code in a (very) high-level language
- Share code and data
Is this familiar?
- code_ver1.m
- code_ver1b_BROKEN.m
- code_ver1b_BROKEN_Working_march20.m
- code_ver1b_BROKEN_Working_march20_Bobs_mods_ForMike.m
Why version control?
- Single Point of Truth for your project
- Easy to share and deploy code
- Rewind to any point in time
- Everything is backed up by default
- Can add automated tests later (Continuous integration)
- Release management
- Project management
- Documentation
- Which version gave your results
More reasons?
Use git!
They say: It's too much extra work
Main git workflow
Just 3 commands
Do work on file1, file2 and file6
git add file1 file1 file6
git commit -m "Description of why you modified those files"
git push origin master
True Story
- Me: Can I see the code please?
- Them: I'll just get the changes from Bob folded in and email it
- Me: Shouldn't we be using version control?
- Them: No need - it's overkill. We don't have a VC problem.
- Me: The code you sent me doesn't work
- Them: Sorry. I sent the wrong version.
I am an idiot and will make mistakes
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
- Write code in a (very) high-level language
- Share code and data
- Use version control
Someone sends you this
Your experience
Think of all those constantly shifting dependencies
Running our PCA example
You are told it works using scikit-learn 0.17
conda create --name pca_project python=3.5 scikit-learn=0.17 jupyter
conda activate pca_project
jupyter notebook
Running our PCA example
Set up the exact environment I used
git clone
cd pca_demo
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate old_scikit
jupyter notebook
Need more?
- Virtual machines
- Containerisation (Docker, Singularity etc)
- FedEx your laptop
I am an idiot and will make mistakes
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
- Write code in a (very) high-level language
- Share code and data
- Use version control
- Share your environment
Get a code buddy (Code Review Light)
Doesn't have to understand your research
Remit: Tell me where I could do better?
Problem 1: Get the code running on THEIR machine
Get a code buddy
I am an idiot and will make mistakes
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
- Write code in a (very) high-level language
- Share code and data
- Use version control
- Share your environment
- Get a code buddy
Literate computing
Traditional reports are just advertisements
A Literate computing document IS the research
Literate computing technologies
I am an idiot and will make mistakes
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
- Write code in a (very) high-level language
- Share code and data
- Use version control
- Share your environment
- Get a code buddy
- Use literate computing technologies
Afraid to change your code?
Write tests
- Every decent language has a testing framework
- Learn how to use it
- You write additional code that ensures your code gives the answers you expect
- Tests give you confidence to make changes
$ nosetests ./
Ran 30 tests in 0.152s
I am an idiot and will make mistakes
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
- Write code in a (very) high-level language
- Share code and data
- Use version control
- Share your environment
- Get a code buddy
- Use literate computing technologies
- Write tests
Numerical Computing is hard!
Hypotenuse of a triangle
h = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
So why is the hypot function in math.h, Python and MATLAB?
A better hypot
max = maximum(|x|, |y|)
min = minimum(|x|, |y|)
r = min / max
return max*sqrt(1 + r*r)
Implementation details matter
10,000+ times speed difference between worst and best of the same algorithm
Which algorithms interest you the most?
Tell me at:
(Partial) Solutions
- Automate (aka learn to program)
- Write code in a (very) high-level language
- Share code and data
- Use version control
- Share your environment
- Get a code buddy
- Use literate computing technologies
- Write tests
- Products (We build stuff)
- Consultancy (We help you do stuff)
- Training (We teach you stuff)
- Research (We develop new stuff)
- Open source (We give some stuff away)
- Community
Where my ideas came from: Twitter